Yoga Nidra ‘Making REST a Prayer’
A deep relaxation practice
This has been one the most potent, nurturing practices I have set aside for myself these last two years and I want to share it with you.
A loving invitation to come back to ourselves.
Giving ourselves the time and space to drop into the best of who we are.
I mainly started practicing to be able to make the world a little less “too much” in the midst of navigating the pandemic while simultaneously remodeling our home, sharing space with construction workers + equipment, an excess of external noise and everything that came with all the continual life rearranging invitations we all received.
Damn, to the double!
I had no idea how much this simple daily practice would gift my nervous system. The lasting imprints of calm I am able to keep alive, linger within and connect during the day in the simplest of moments.
The more consistently I practiced, the more my body remembered. Breathe. It will all be OK.
It has been pure medicine for my life, my health and my potty mouth reflex.
By allowing our bodies to spend more time in a rest-and-digest state, we go into a deep state of digestion. It is vital to interrupt and soothe these continual states of flight or flight.
We forget ourselves in a state of stress.
We travel into the lands of our unfinished business and begin to release them on a cellular level.
When the body rests, the body heals.
An emotional, physical & energetic rearranging that restores and replenishes all of our bodily systems.
The body senses it is safe to let go and a beautiful cascade of cellular communication lets our organs know they too, are safe. REST. It will be OK.
As students, all we need to do is receive, allow and observe the layers of rest we can experience when we simply pay attention. It’s beautiful.
It’s important to leave little room for drifting off to sleep.
We make a loving intention to stay aware throughout the practice.
How deeply can you witness yourself rest?
Our body sleeps and we witness. Sometimes a sweet 20 minutes is all we need to send new information to our systems & their healing centers.
Each of my offerings holds the essence of one of my massage sessions - using your own “touch of awareness” as your wisest teacher.
In order for you to fully receive, create the absolute coziest of cozy nests that you can nestle in.
Take your comfortable nesting - next level. (whatever that looks like for you)
Laying, sitting, hammock style - you choose.
Extra pillows, a cashmere wrap, eye pillow lushness, warmth, headset in your ears
Sink into and soak up the wisdom gifted by your brilliant, safe, exceptionally intelligent body.
How radiantly present can you be in your body?
This is a beautiful practice to receive via recording. This sets the stage and invites you to stay awhile longer. Breathe & Integrate.
Stay as long as you wish, marinate in your own chemical realignment.
Zero small talk in the afterglow and a journal is always welcome.
This is FOR YOU.
Your Practice. Your REST. Your HEALING.
All my love,
Rebecca McFall