The Wisdom of Pain

Release Resistance

Pain, a private tutor

Threads of logic, leaving imprints & reinforcements within our

Nervous System.

Stress & Discomfort with no place to go,

being held at a distance for protection, infusing everything.

Painful moments that remain unavailable for us to process fully are incredibly confronting, especially when the truth will create ripples of change we aren’t ready for.

This is a time for sincere awareness. Gentleness. Patience. Love.

Challenges left unattended become inner chemical dialogue speaking with our cells on a personal level, replicating and rearranging our genetic patterns in direct connection with the walls we build around our wounds.

Orchestrating illness to settle in & stay awhile.

Stopping birth in its tracks.

Taking us away from our truest nature.

Taking us away from each other.

The very moment we are ready and willing to listen to a truth far more intelligent than navigating from pushed buttons and protection reflexes. Traveling into our unfinished business, tightly held tension, masquerading as loving boundaries built around these tender areas.

Our wisdom resides in sitting with it, deeply listening to it, opening into it, holding ourselves in all the spaces within us that need care and deeper inquiry. We can emerge, a new. Strong, Empowered. Soft.

We should build a temple around our pain.

 Wisdom lives here, my loves.

 Healing lives here, my loves.

 Wholeness is birthed here, my loves.

Birth will hold up a mirror to these hidden spaces.

Your birth is YOU.

(as can illness, starting your own business, global pandemics - all very different pathways, same threads)

Birthing, living and mothering ourselves in Wholeness.

My offerings are very intentional and created for very specific women seeking what is true for them.

There is deep wisdom in our pain & discomfort.

What do you typically do in discomfort?

the answer is inward

the language birth speaks -

the language healing speaks -

the language we all speak when we allow our

hearts to open.


All my love,

Rebecca McFall