A Longer View
Our individual journey into menopause is a reflection of our inner intelligence and how we have cared for her.
She is a time capsule holding all the places we haven’t been honest with ourselves. Menopause will place our excuses & disconnections on full display. Illuminating our blind spots, our skill of avoidance, and highlighting the lack of education we receive around understanding our female body.
See how honestly you can answer the following questions AND what feelings come up for you around your answers…
What is your relationship with your menstrual cycle, your body?
Which phase in your cycle do you feel the most energy, creative, ready for higher impact exercise, or in need of rest and way more slowness?
What foods does your body crave, most? Do you honor how they ebb & flow in alignment with your cycle?
Do you know each phase of your cycle, what your body needs differently in each, how your body feels in each and ways to support them?
Have you taken hormonal birth control, suppressing and completely severing your connection with all of the above questions? If so, how long?
I see our journey into menopause as a full circle opportunity, highlighting the investment we’ve made throughout our reproductive life.
She can also let us know exactly where we have some work to do, placing all the ways we’ve asked her to adapt under a microscope.
If we’ve spent a lifetime catering to dysfunction, disordered eating, managing symptoms, over medicating, suppressing our cycles, focusing more on temporary fixes that deepen imbalances with time, this is the time those secrets will be revealed.
Peri-menopause, with her own unique brilliance offers us time to re-evaluate and re-establish connection with our body, if we choose.
It can last 4-10 years (Lots of delicious time to practice) and what a gift that is when you think about it this way - a more in-depth path, realigned with nurturing & supporting.
I read an article the other day about how women are being misled as they step into menopause. These were some of the words used … disruptive, inconvenient, uncomfortable, intrusive, embarrassment, intensity, extreme discomfort, plagued by hot flashes, enduring imbalances as if they are simply part of being a woman.
Using the same disempowering language we learned very early on to describe our cycles (aka: bleed time), limiting our body’s capacity to heal, investing in fear and mistrust in place of understanding our innate intelligence to CREATE LIFE.
This is how we are misled and it happens way before menopause.
Our journey into menopause is a temporary period of transition, holding years of choices we’ve made along the way.
It is not an unexpected state of suffering that just happens no matter how red your face becomes as you ‘flash’. (she’s getting your attention now, though)
We design our menopausal experience with years of practice.
PS. This work is generational. Please know that wherever you are in your journey, it is never too late to love your body fiercely.
A long term view is at the heart of all my teachings.
If I have the honor of supporting your ‘reproductive continuum’ (understanding your unique cyclical nature, birth preparation, menopausal love) rest assured it will have a ripple effect far beyond our time together
Raising daughters to know and love their bodies, to understand the unique details of their brilliant cycles, prioritizing healthy ovulation alongside nourishment & rest to support them
The health of our fertility matters far beyond getting pregnant or avoiding it
Serving women to prepare for birthing + recovering
Honoring the wisdom we have cultivated with years of practice as we step gracefully into menopause
All My Love,