The Intimacy of Female Nourishment
Are modern diets & culture interrupting our feminine functions?
- Is cooking becoming a lost Art Of Connection with where our food comes from and each other? Can we fully appreciate a shared meal with others without recreating the menu based on personal preference?
- Are we trading deep intimacy & understanding of true wellness for convenience, trendy diets, short term micromanagement that is proving to be unsustainable long term?
- What happens when we enter into pregnancy/birth/postpartum in a depleted state?
If you have experienced a difficult relationship with food, I write these words directly to your heart as a love letter to every cell of your beautiful being and I speak gently to the complexity of all individual choices & how our diet culture is not serving any of us.
This journal entry travels deeper than opinion, beyond the ease & seduction of quick fixes, rigid diet trends that take our inner listening away, isolating synthetic nutrients while eliminating entire food groups & wreaking havoc on our metabolic & hormonal intelligence.
I write this as an invitation to pause, create space around our tenderness, ask ourselves deeper questions and learn how to honor our female nature through wider/wiser perspectives.
To learn a deeper listening, holding ourselves more aligned with our inner nature, nourishment rooted in cellular wholeness, biologic needs, physiologic function and thriving life.
Needs that are foundational to our female well-being, essential for healthy menstrual cycles, ovulation, conception, growing a healthy human life full term without depleting ourselves & healing all the way by being fully nourished.
There are very big consequences in the deficiency within our modern diet culture and I am seeing it play out in pregnancy, birthing, healing postpartum and into the landscape of menopause.
When cells are running in a deficient state they don’t need less, THEY NEED MORE.
As women, our body needs safety to function properly. Our cyclical nature depends on it for the brilliance of our hormonal communication to work properly. Utilizing food to create safety in our body, developing a deep connection to healing, strength, energy & emotional resilience.
Remembering our female physiology, deepening our perspective around safety to move into a time of internal repair, internal nourishment and move away from external validation & the many rules we place around preferences.
Can your body truly feel safe in metabolic stress even with loving daily practices that lend temporary relief?
Undernourishment communicates from a survival state of heightened sensitivity, hyper-vigilance, building boundaries in advance - trip wires to the trip wires always ‘in protection’, always in STRESS.
- hyper focus on cleansing, under eating as “healing”, over exercising, fearing fats, intermittent fasting, eliminating entire food groups, having coffee for breakfast, “dieting”, biohacking, juicing, micromanaging, isolating nutrients, using supplements as if they are food, avoiding whole bioavailable nutrients, choosing synthetic replicas filled with seed oils, artificial fillers, fake - fortified alternatives, powdered substitutes - add in a long term relationship with hormonal birth control and/or antibiotics…WE are lead so far away from true nourishment
Metabolic stress sets in motion a cascade of other imbalances - minerals become depleted, our delicate hormonal system depends on mineral regulation for proper instruction, our emotional capacity becomes altered, immune response rearranged & on it goes…
The health of our tissues, our expansion, our capacity to hold big emotions, our ability to stay calm under pressure is in direct connection with the nutrient density & wholeness of our food.
Creating HUMAN LIFE THROUGH OUR BODIES is a massively resource intensive responsibility.
Without adequate nourishment, our cells don’t have the energetic capacity to hold health, to create and hold life.
Not just in creating and maintaining a healthy new life within our body, but also having the reserves needed for maintaining our own.
Every cell, every organ, every bone, every tiny brilliant detail of your baby is in relationship with your nutrition.
In EMERGE, my Childbirth Education offerings - we get very intimate with nourishment through the lens of our nervous system, cellular health, reproductive health, wholeness and long term well-being. Individual reflection, self inquiry & honesty. (way less around everything we are taught thru external measurements/long held belief systems & partial truths that make us misunderstand our own bodies)
Real macro & micronutrients, direct access from real food sources grown in and walked on healthy non-sprayed, non-antibiotic infused or genetically modified, mineral rich & diverse soils.
deep cellular nourishment, nutrient dense, bioavailable, whole
“ The power of nutrition to influence health from one generation to the next is a fundamental concept that has transformed our understanding of health and disease. The health legacy of an individual is predetermined by a series of factors that occur long before birth and during the earliest days of life.” Dr Irma SIlva Zolezzi